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The Indiana Association of School Principals (IASP) is a not-for-profit, professional association serving more than 2,900 building level administrators in Indiana. IASP provides professional growth and advocacy opportunities. Our podcasts are just one of many ways we support principals and other school administrators in their quest to lead educational achievement.

Apr 29, 2021

HEA 1008, 1384, 1514, 1531, 1549

SB 54

SEA 2, 97, 205, 413, 414

Apr 22, 2021

HB 1001 Budget

Apr 21, 2021

Meet Dr. Steve Gruenert as he shares his research and thoughts on organizational culture and how it impacts your school.

Apr 15, 2021

HB 1001, 1008

SB 54, 413, 414

Apr 8, 2021

SB 205, 413

Updates on SB 54 and HB 1001